- You are invited to anIndiraAnnabelsweet seventeenDearNama Tamu
TWIRL WITH THEbirthday girlJOIN US TO CELEBRATEIndira AnnabelPutri Pertama Dari
Bapak Gorbi Marindra &
Ibu Glorya Stevani Cicilia Loei - Anabel's
Is Turning SeventeenSATURDAY, FEB 10TH 2024AT 07.00 PM WIB@Wyl’s Kitchen00Hari00Jam00Menit00Detik - Please come in formal attire
we kindly request our guest to wear
these colors to our special daySend Your Wish & RSVP - It is a joy and honor for us,
if you are willing to attend and offer prayers.Best regardsIndira AnnabelMusic:Anne-Marie - Birthday
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- Birthday
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